Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Business of Brides-Part 1

The Assocation of Bridal Consultants Annual conference held in Newport Beach, California was one of the highlights of the fall! I had a great time connecting with old friends and making some new friends. The Fairmont Hotel was the site for the event and they did a fabulous job keeping everyone well fed and happy.

Sunday was a day for Sandals training, the trade show and a party that evening complete with a photo booth!

Sandals Trade Show Booth

Here I am with my Coordinators Corner Friends, a website just for wedding consultants to chat and share ideas!

Monday started off with the Assocation Business and a breakfast with my friends Mark Kingsdorf of Queen of Hearts Weddings in Philadelphiaand Joanne and John Woodward of Schwartz and Woodward, in Houston, Texas.

The amazing Barbara Wallace was our keynote speaker. She shared practical information about brides looking their best in their pictures on their wedding day. Stylist Annie Withers and fashion and wedding photographer, Lars Wanberg have written a book with Barbara, Camera Couture, A Beautiful Bride from Every Angle and they shared wonderful images from this book.

Me with my good friend and keynote speaker, Barbara Wallace

The luncheon was just gorgeous, here are some snaps on the design and decor. The ladies of Orange County who produced the luncheon did an excellent job!

Check back soon for Part II of this amazing conference

1 comment:

emilie said...

Wow! Looks beau-ti-ful! Love all the pink!